Aug 23, 2011

What makes a writer a writer?

I googled the above question and found myself with a gazillion answers. Some are poetic while others are plain structured. Some say they like being a little crazy while others go for colleges and courses to get that piece of paper that says you're a-professional-writer-now-and-no-one-can-dispute-that. :)

So what makes me a writer or even different from others who don't display their soul on a piece of paper? Do I have some kind of extraordinary ability that allows me to feel what others are going through? Was I born on a special day of writers? Or am I just plain mad when compared to others?

I guess I am who I am because of all the above and more. I love being judged and I hate being judged but I can't help myself if I stop writing. My life is more than just an open book. I am also a canvas, sometimes with beautiful stains and sometimes plain white blank. I don't really care of being judged or misinterpreted but I can't help myself from being obsess with what others think of me and of my works. Do they like my story? Can they relate to what I'm telling them? Can they see themselves or me in my writings? Can they grasp the message which I'm trying to tell them in my works, of us not being too different from each other?

I am a writer and a crazy fool. My brains and my heart are so intertwined with each other; that’s why I'm irrationally encrusted with being super-complicated. It is all simply and because I am a writer and a buffoon! I lived hard and I cried harder. I loved hard and I get hurt harder still. And that's because I am who I am; a foolish writer who feels with her whole being.

So, from my standpoint a writer is writer when she is herself, who lives her pain slightly dramatic than an average human being, who also lives her life somewhere between a full-bloom melancholy and dangerously intoxicated while still have the capacity to look at God straight in the eye and be thankful for all the wondrous blessings she has got so far.


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