Mar 14, 2011

My prayer for strength.

God, your works are mysterious. Sometimes it can be so overwhelming and on other times it is just too hard to comprehend. Yet, I still believe that you have your reasons and no matter how worse it gets I believe your hand is here holding me and never letting me go through it all alone. 

Whenever I'm about to fall Lord, grab me and pull me back to my feet. 
Should I fall Lord, and have no desire to rise again, just grab me and pull me back to my feet. 

Jesus, if this relationship is from you, then help me to see it through. Yet, should this be not of your will, then help me to go through it too, calmly and with your strength. I cannot do this alone Lord. I have no strength to walk in the valley of darkness alone. So be by my side Lord. Please be by my side.

My dearest Mother. Guide my heart, my mind, my actions, my feelings and my soul, so that I can see what Jesus wants me to do and to be. You too have gone through a period of uncertainty. Please be with me Mother, as I pass through my period of uncertainty. Please be with me, my precious Mother. 

Jesus, Mary & Joseph, save souls!


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