Jun 17, 2011

In pursuit of my vortex.

Right now I’m reading the Witch of Portobello by my all-time favourite writer Mr Coelho. I've come to the part where Athena has just discovered that, although she is at the right path in receiving and giving love, there is still a part of her that is missing. She needs to know who her birth mother is. Prior to this discovery, she was learning the art of calligraphy. From what the teacher told her, a repeated action will cease being just a repeated task when the fingers that stroke the brush have in it the heart and soul of the calligrapher. And then I thought about the way I had prayed all this time, especially the Rosary. Such a tedious task and in some points such a burden. And yet that would only mean that my heart and soul was not entirely in it. I prayed because I want answers to my questions or my problems to be settled. I never prayed just because it is a beautiful prayer to be said. I never thought it that way. I never thought about it that way other than to fulfil my own needs. I wanted to be in that state of 'ecstasy' just like how Athena found hers when she danced the 'Dance of Vortex'. She wanted to be one with her Creator through music, through movements. And she would do it repeatedly just to be in that state of being outside of her body. I would like very much to taste that kind of 'ecstasy’ and I hope I will someday, when I have learnt to accept the Rosary as a beautiful prayer. Nothing more and nothing less.  


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