May 14, 2011

Finally the road is not so treacherous anymore.

I am ready to forfeit my 29 years of solid independence in exchange with a whole new adventure as a fiancé first and then the ultimate wife. I pretty much have all the theories up in my head. The do's, the don'ts, the would be's and the could be's, and not forgetting the will's. I try to imagine how other's before me prepared themselves before adapting the new role or do they, like what I'm about to do myself, just jump off the plank and see what's really under the sea. And like the sea there are wonders and also dangers, lurking and waiting to be discovered.

I guess the only way to be prepared is to pray that no matter what happens I will put my trust, my life, my husband, my kids, everyone in the family and everything else in God's hands. I am in transition and to tell you the truth it's a lot of hard work than I think. Sometimes, when the going gets really tough, and there are nights when the thought of giving up is there, I do wonder why I am doing this. Life is good the way it is so why do I want to change that? And then the answer, like always, just pops into my tiny mind. It is evolution. At a point in my life I just need to make a decision if I want to continue my legacy. And so I choose to get married and start my own family.

To do that I need to find that one man that can make it all possible. And that man has finally come along. We’ll exchange vows and make a promise before God and our loved ones that we’ll always be there for each other, for our families and for our community. We’ll stand by each other, ready to defend and fight for love and for our faith. And then, when rainy days happen or storms came passing through we promise to survive it together and, when hope seems lost, just hang on by God’s hands.

I know it will not be that easy but I believe it is possible. Love is the only reason for everything and I believe that, because I am the by-product of destruction that has been saved by love alone. I am the proof of a redeemed crushed dream. I’ve been in the abyss of darkness, tasted death and saved by God’s hands. So I know and I believe that love does conquer everything. In the end, all of us will survive the calling as what we have answered.  


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